Dr. Scott Rosen

phone icon (215) 322-8117

981 Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954


family dentistry"How do I choose the right dentist for myself and my family?"

Choosing the right dentist can seem like an intimidating task. Let our helpful guide help you pick the right caretaker for your family’s teeth.


childrens dentistryWhen selecting a dentist and corresponding practice based on your need for cosmetic procedures (such as teeth whitening and porcelain veneers) or restorative procedures (such as dental fillings and crowns) it is important to ask a number of questions to determine which dentist best meets your needs.


Please consider inquiring about the following:

1. Find out how long the practice has been in operation.

2. Ask about the extent of the dentist's training and clinical experience in performing the procedure you require. Not all dentists are trained in specific cosmetic dentistry procedures.

3. Ask about any continuing education classes the dentist may be attending to keep them up-to-date on the latest procedures and technological advances in the field.

4. If the dentist does not perform certain procedures, ask about his referral process.

5. Ask about the type of emergency care offered.

6. Determine dental costs prior to treatment. Dental cost totals should include procedure fees, anesthesia fees, and facility fees. If you have dental insurance, chances are there will be some benefit coverage applicable to a variety of procedures. Coverage varies among dental insurance plans.

7. Is the dentist's office located nearby? This could be important if your procedures require frequent or multiple visits.

8. Is the dental team friendly and courteous? You may not want to see a dentist long term if you don't feel comfortable with the dentist's team.


scottrosen_headshotAbout Dr. Rosen

Dr. Scott Rosen is a dentist your whole family will love.

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Dr. Scott RosenDr. Scott RosenDr. Scott Rosen



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981 Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954 | (215) 322-8117