Dr. Scott Rosen

phone icon (215) 322-8117

981 Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954


family dentistryAbout Dr. Rosen

High quality, affordable dental care. One patient at a time.


Dr. Scott Rosen is a dentist your whole family will love.

He is gentle, patient, compassionate, and dedicated to excellence. His dental practice, located at 981 2nd Street Pike, in Richboro PA 18954, features ample parking and welcomes patients of all ages.

Dr. Rosen received his dental degree from the Temple University School of Dentistry on May 23, 1991. After graduation, he began his life’s work as a DMD.

Dr. Rosen has accumulated countless hours of continuing education in order to remain at the forefront of the latest dental techniques and implant technology in an effort to provide his patients with the best possible care.

scott rosenHe feels that the best dental health is achieved when the dentist is educated in current research and maintains an ongoing relationship with each patient. Dr. Rosen is talented, pragmatic, has a soft touch with his hands, and looks forward to working together with you to achieve and maintain a healthy smile.


His training and ability are formidable, but his mission is simple, yet profound. Dr. Rosen says, “I help people look better and feel better about themselves.”

Dr. Rosen treats his patients with care, and treats his staff like family, so there is a positive, yet laid-back vibe in the office. Visitors have remarked that it feels so friendly that they forget it’s a dental office! He is a proud member of the community where he works and lives with his family. He and his wife have called Richboro “home” since 1992, and their children attend local schools. Dr. Rosen enjoys good jokes, and is a very passionate fan of the Philadelphia Eagles.

Dr. Scott Rosen has established himself as a popular, trusted, and well-respected Richboro-based DMD.


scottrosen_headshotContact Us Today

981 Second Street Pike,

Richboro, PA 18954

(215) 322-8117






Dr. Scott RosenDr. Scott RosenDr. Scott Rosen



© 2019 Scott J. Rosen, D.M.D., LLC. All rights reserved.

981 Second Street Pike, Richboro, PA 18954 | (215) 322-8117

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